Puerto Rico’s February 13-19, 2017 political week in tweets

by Feb 21, 2017News Week in Tweets0 comments

Huge TSA Cocaine Smuggling Operation Uncovered in Puerto Rico

After 18 years and almost twenty tons of cocaine being smuggled into Puerto Rico, a dozen TSA agents at Luis Munoz Marin International Airport are being arrested for their involvement in the operation, letting suitcases pass through security and board planes into and out of the airport.


Voting Date Set on Puerto Rico Statehood

June 11 has been decided as the date when the people of Puerto Rico will vote on whether they want to become the 51st state in the US or whether they want to remain independent. No matter the outcome, Congress will make the final judgement, as the vote is nonbinding.


McCain Calls Out Trump on Media Attacks

Despite being a member of President Trump’s party, Arizona Sen. John McCain has spoken out against the President’s recent attacks on the media, saying that whether he likes the press or not, they are vital to keeping a free democracy running in America. McCain went on to relate President Trump to a dictator, saying that the first thing dictators do once in power is suppress the free press.


Puerto Rico Pays $8 Million in Interest on Tax Refunds

Still trying to fight through economic instability and crisis, Puerto Rico’s Treasury Department has paid over $8 million in interest on tax returns withheld to some for over a year.


Alabama’s Senate Pick Could Spell Impeachment for Its Governor

After serving as the state Attorney General from 2010 to 2016, Luther Strange was recently inserted into an Alabama senator position by Governor Robert J. Bentley. Strange oversaw an active investigation into Bentley having an affair with an aide, so many of Alabama’s State House representatives are thinking that Bentley appointed Strange as an attempt to get the Alabama Justice Department to drop the case.