Republican Party of Puerto Rico supports ‘yes’ to statehood in the status plebiscite

by May 26, 2020Puerto Rico, Status0 comments

The chairwoman of the Republican Party of Puerto Rico and Resident Commissioner Jenniffer González-Colón (NPP, R) announced that the GOPPR will support “Yes” for Statehood in the scheduled November 3 referendum. This vote seeks to define the political status of the territory of Puerto Rico. 
“Law 51-2020, mirrors the processes used, most recently to achieve statehood, in Alaska and Hawaii. Our party has always embraced democratic and self-determining processes.  This plebiscite gives the people of Puerto Rico the power to determine our own destiny. The resolution of our political status cannot wait any longer,” said the chairwoman.
At the State Convention of the Republican Party of Puerto Rico held on March 8, the Party adopted a resolution “To express the support of the Republican Party of Puerto Rico for a Statehood yes or no status plebiscite on November 3rd, 2020 and encourage participation”.
Resolution 2020-1 highlights that for over 50 years the Republican Platform and every Republican President have supported Statehood for Puerto Rico and also recognizes past referendums where the option of statehood was favored.
“Puerto Rico statehood is the driving force of our Party. Each and every member supports the equality that statehood means for the island; José Celso Barbosa founded the Puerto Rico Republican Party in 1899, as a vehicle to achieve statehood for Puerto Rico. Following Barbosa’s legacy, the GOPPR will support the “Yes” option in this plebiscite.  We deserve a seat at the table. We ask for the full membership to the Union, with the rights and obligations that it entails. The time has come to say yes to Puerto Rico,” said the first woman to represent Puerto Rico in the United States Congress.
“The Final Definition of the Political Statute of Puerto Rico Act”, Law 51-2020, proposes to hold a plebiscite on November 3, 2020, the same day as the general elections where the voter must answer Yes or No to the question: “Should Puerto Rico be immediately admitted into the Union as a State? ”.