Welcome back to our monthly series examining the top Google Trends in Puerto Rico, Guam, the United States Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
Trends data is an unbiased sample of Google search data. It’s anonymized (no one is personally identified), categorized (determining the topic for a search query), and aggregated (grouped together). Each month we’ll embed the direct data tables from Google so you can dig in deeper and learn more about each topic and the levels of interest over time. We will also mention the top rising queries, which are those with the biggest increase in search frequency since the last time period.
Puerto Rico
Top rising topics: International Women’s Day, World Baseball Classic, White blood cell, baseball, and March.
Top rising topics: Personality, Easter, menstruation, bus, and March.
US Virgin Islands
Top rising topics: Airplane, saint, Easter, March, and Texas.
American Samoa
Top rising topics: Country, Twitter, letter, soccer, and night.
Northern Mariana Islands
Top rising topics: Blackboard, data, personality, Moon, and rice.
Overall, March in 2023 presented some odd topics on search for the territories. A trend is clear in the top search topics that the search engine is being used mostly as a bookmarking service to find other websites.