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Puerto Rico’s minority parties could play major roles in upcoming election

by | Feb 9, 2024 | Elections, Puerto Rico | 0 comments

Several candidates from Puerto Rico’s minority parties have begun filing for candidacy in Puerto Rico’s general elections. Puerto Rico has two major parties: the Popular Democratic Party (PDP) and the New Progressive Party (PNP). The minority parties are Citizen’s Victory Movement (MVC), the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP), and Project Dignity (PD). The leaders of the minority parties are currently Manuel Natal Albebo, Ruben Berrios, and Cesar Vasquez Muniz respectively. 

The Citizens Victory Movement’s main goal is to fight corruption, decolonize Puerto Rico, and help Puerto Rico stabilize economically and socially. It is portrayed as a party that is radically left. Puerto Rican Independence Party’s main goal is to campaign for complete separation from the United States. As a conservative party, some of Project Dignity’s goals include deeming pornography a health issue and fighting for stricter restrictions on abortion. As a party, they do not have a specific stance on whether Puerto Rico should become a state or remain a territory. 

This upcoming election in 2024 included candidates from the three minority parties and could potentially pose a challenge against the major parties. The New Progressive Party has lost members to the Citizens Victory Movement. In addition, the Citizen’s Victory Movement and the Puerto Rico Independence Party have struck up an alliance aiming to stop the domination and control the New Progressive Party and Popular Democratic Party have on politics in Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rican Independence Party has announced Marigdalia K. Ramirez-Fort as a candidate for Residential Commissioner. Ramirez-Fort previously ran for Mayor in Guaynabo. She received 0.29% of the vote, winning the least amount of votes among the other candidates. She earned her medical degree in Oncology before turning to politics. The general elections will take place on November 5, 2024.



<a href="" target="_self">Sanjana Sitaram</a>

Sanjana Sitaram

Sanjana Sitaram is a junior at Brentwood High School in Tennessee. She was born in Singapore and has lived in Germany, England, and now the United States. These global experiences have given her an appreciation to recognize and understand the differences in cultures and peoples. Sanjana enjoys public forum debates, and also has a passion for Bharatanatyam, India’s oldest classical dance. In her spare time, she finds it fulfilling to teach refugees in Nashville basic English and Math skills, helping them have a stronger foundation in education and become more acclimated to a new environment. Sanjana is a Political Affairs Intern Correspondent at Pasquines.


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