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Candlelight Protest Walk #MuslimBanProtestDC

Islamic Center of Washington 2551 Massachusetts Avenue, Northwest, Washington, DC, US

We'll meet on sidewalk in front of the Islamic Center & walk to stand across from VP Pence's residence.

#BlackLivesMatter- March For Freedom

Seattle Central College 1701 Broadway, Seattle, WA, US

#BlackLivesMatter- We having nothing to lose but our Chains People of color and Black people have been oppressed and suppressed by white privilege and white supremacy. We have nothing to lose but our chains of oppression from last 300 years+ even as we have a white nationalist president sitting in the White House. So it […]

A Day Without A Woman

Washington, D.C.

The concept of "A Day Without..." is a general strike of bodies. In the past, we have seen "A Day Without An Immigrant" where humans did not work, go to school, shop, dine out, grab a beer, or even use social media. This is a call to boycott everything you consume for 24 hours. Our […]

Protest: Resist Trump. Kill the Gag.

Washington Washington, DC, US

Trump's global gag rule is a grotesque expansion of a failed, deadly policy that prohibits foreign organizations that receive U.S. global health assistance from providing or even discussing abortions with patients. This rule now threatens access to safe abortion and other basic health care for millions of people around the world. We know that this […]

NYC #DayWithoutAWoman Gathering

Central Park Southeast New York, NY, US

On a #DayWithoutAWoman, we will gather in New York City for a show of solidarity and revolutionary love. Meet us at 12pm at the intersection of 5th Ave & 59th St.

No Nazis in DC: Protest Richard Spencer’s Neo-Nazi Think Tank

"Alt-right" Neo Nazi Richard Spencer recently opened an office of his white supremacist think tank the National Policy Institute in Alexandria, VA. We will rally together to show these nazis that they are NOT welcome in our community, that their perverted, violent racist ideology has no place in our society and that they should prepare […]

Gavin Grimm Supreme Court Rally

Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC, US

The ACLU and Gavin Grimm will take his fight for transgender rights to the Supreme Court. As Gavin stands up for the rights of trans people across the country, we ask that you #StandWithGavin by joining a rally at the Supreme Court supporting him and his landmark case. Make your voices heard and ensure that […]

Trump Tax March/Protest Orlando

Lake Eola Park, Downtown Orlando, Florida Orlando, FL, US

"During the campaign, Trump repeatedly promised to release his returns. However, White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway said that he no longer planned to do so because “people don’t care.” That inspired the calls for a protest on April 15, which would normally be tax day, but because it falls on a Saturday ― and […]

Tax March on Baltimore

Mckeldin Square Baltimore, MD, US

*** National Organizing: *** Facebook: Our march will begin with a demonstration at McKeldin Square near Baltimore's Inner Harbor. We will then march through the city, stopping to demonstrate further in front of the local IRS office. More details to come. If you'd like to help organize, reach out to the email address below. […]

Trump Tax Returns March, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA, US

Kellyanne Conway says Americans don't care about Trump's tax returns. Los Angeles (and the rest of the country) will prove her wrong on April 15, 2017 (traditional Tax Day). Join us in a march from Pershing Square to City Hall, and demand Trump release his returns.