What to Do This Week of December 11, 2016

by Dec 12, 2016Opinion, What To Do This Week0 comments

Actions for Democrats, Independents, and Republicans of conscience

There are five weeks until DJT takes office

The intention of this list is to make clear suggestions for action backed with well-considered research. You don’t need to do them all–just the ones that align with your values and abilities. If an issue doesn’t affect you, consider whether you would support this issue on behalf of other Americans and act accordingly.

At the end, you’ll find some good news. Bear in mind that although these topics have been well researched and are intended to be helpful, they are still subject to human error. Please do your own research!

If you’d like to subscribe to this weekly action list, please go here.


I believe in the power of my own voice

Action: Find your elected officials’ local office phone numbers

If you’re an introvert, you might be tempted to skip this section, but bear with me. Calling your elected officials is infinitely more effective than signing a petition. It’s like signing 1,000 petitions.

You’ll be using these numbers a lot over the next 4 years, so take two minutes. This is especially important if you’re a Republican of conscience; America needs you! Note: Get the local number in your state, not the DC office.

  1. Get your senators’ local phone numbers
    1. Select your state. Two senators will come up.
    2. Option A: Click the link the “contact” link (which goes to their website) and locate the office nearest you for a phone number.
    3. Option B: Type into Google your “_senator’s name_, _state capital_ phone number.”
  2. Get your congressperson’s local phone number
    1. Enter your ZIP code
    2. Google your “congressperson’s name, state capital and phone number.”
  3. Record these names and numbers somewhere handy.


I believe in integrity and reject corruption

Action 1: Oppose inappropriate cabinet positions to your senators

The House and Senate are in recess right now, but they are still paying attention to your views. (A lovely staffer in Louisiana reassured me of this.) Senators will be holding hearings in Jan/Feb for all cabinet positions, but it’s important to tell your elected officials where you stand. Staff keep a tally of calls and issues.

Call: Using the number you looked up, call both your senators’ local offices to oppose DJT/MRP cabinet positions. Be kind and be specific.

Script: My name is ____. I’m a constituent from _town_. I’m calling about my concern regarding DJT’s cabinet appointments. Most of them are climate-science deniers with deep ties to oil, wall street, and big banks. However, for me, the three most concerning appointments are … (choose three)

    1. Scott Pruett to the Environmental Protection Agency. Mr Pruett’s history of suing the EPA for its regulations on mercury levels and asthma makes his appointment deeply concerning.
      fact check: The Atlantic
    2. Steven Mnuchin to Treasury Secretary. With two decades at Goldman Sachs, he is synonymous with predatory lending.
      fact check: 
    3. Jeffrey Sessions to Attorney General. In 1986, his unamerican beliefs in white supremacy made him ineligible for a judgeship and should still disqualify him for this new post.
      fact check: 
      The Washington Post  
    4. Mike Pompeo to the CIA. His appointment risks our constitutional freedoms because he supports profiling Americans by religion, compromising online privacy, and advocates for torture.
      fact check: 
      The Atlantic
    5. Wilbur Ross to Commerce Secretary. Like DJT, this billionaire has numerous businesses that present a conflict of interest and risk corrupt dealings with foreign countries.
      fact check: 
    6. Cathy McMorris to the Interior Department. Her oil connections and climate science denial risks the future of our public lands, national parks, and tribal land.
      fact check: 

I am asking (my senator) to reject these nominees when hearings begin next year. Can you tell me anything about their views on these appointees? Thank you for your time.


Action 2: Tell your congressperson you oppose some of DJT/MRP’s staff appointments

DJT’s staff appointments are not vetted by the Senate. However, Congress can use their limited power to force a firing in extreme cases. Although they’re unlikely to oust anyone, your views can empower your elected officials. (more on methodology)

Call: Call your congressperson’s local office to oppose two of DJT’s key advisers.

Script: My name is ___ and I’m a constituent from _town_. I am deeply concerned about some of DJT’s advisers. I’m calling today to request that (my congressperson) go on public record as opposing two specific appointments:

  1. The first is Steve Bannon as Chief Strategist. His connection with the far-right Breitbart fake news site, and well-documented anti-semitic and white supremacist views make him a risk to American freedoms.
    fact check: 
  2. The second is Lieutenant General Mike Flynn as national security adviser. In previous roles, his paranoid conspiracy theories and anti-Muslim views have been well-documented by superiors. His poor judgment is dangerous for America.
    fact check: 
    The AtlanticThe New York Times
  3. Can you tell me if (my congressperson) has already publicly opposed these two appointments? If not, I would like to request that they do so. Thank you.

Action 3: Thank three Republican elected officials for publicly supporting investigations into Russian election hacking.

Click:  Senator McCain’s (R-AZ) email form

Click:  Rep McCaul’s (R-TX) Facebook page

Click:  Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) email form

Script (feel free to customize): I am a registered (party) in (state) and applaud your public support for investigating the Russian government’s election hacking efforts. America thanks you for putting priorities over party.

fact check: The New York Times, The New York Times


I believe in reproductive freedom and a woman’s right to choose

Action 1: If you live in Ohio, call Gov. Kasich and ask him to veto HB 493 and SB 127. Note: These bills are on their way to his desk, so don’t delay.

Call: (614) 466-3555

Script: My name is ___ and am a constituent in _town, OH_. I’m calling today to ask Gov. Kasich to veto HB 493 and SB 127. I believe in reproductive freedom and a woman’s right to choose. Because these bills increase red tape, threaten doctors, and have no exceptions for rape or incest, they severely restrict safe access to abortion. I oppose both and ask Gov Kasich to veto them. Thank you for your time.

Action 2: If you don’t live in Ohio, make some noise with these two petitions:

Click:  ACLU Ohio SB 127 petition

Click:  ACLU petition against both bills


I believe in peaceful, creative solutions to conflict at home and abroad

Action: Sign a petition to support de-escalation trainings to reduce violence between the public and law enforcement.

Click: ACLU petition

fact check: Congress, The Washington Post


I support creating a healthy planet

Action: Tell your governor to support renewable energy

Click: Petition from the Union of Concerned Scientists


I believe in the value of my dollar

Action: Spend consciously to support American values.

Click: #GrabYourWallet

When the document opens, look at the list of 74 DJT-connected businesses on list. Make a note of the stores you usually frequent. If you planned to shop there in the future, drop them a line on Facebook or Twitter and let them know.

Action: Make a contribution to a cause on behalf of leaders who oppose it

Click: Donate Bigly

This site is freaking amazing. Want to donate to Planned Parenthood on behalf of Mike Pence? Or to Black Lives Matter on behalf of Bannon? This site makes it easy. It’s genius. And very satisfying.


I support free press and outstanding investigative journalism

Action: Purchase a publication subscription or give one as a gift

Free news sites are the scourge of this election. Because they make money through ads, their click-bait headlines and opinion-based content keep you coming back for more. No publication is perfect, but supporting paid journalism means you get less slant and more trustworthy research.

We can’t take journalism for granted. Here are a few options (links not affiliate):


This week’s reading list


From the Department of NOT NORMAL

This is not a normal president-elect, vice president-elect, nor leadership. #notnormal

It is NOT NORMAL for a president-elect to miss daily intelligence briefings with the defense that he is “smart”. A normal president understands that some of his or her work might be repetitive, but that being informed is essential to American security.

fact check: The Washington Post


It is NOT NORMAL for a president-elect to assign powerful cabinet positions to large campaign donors and their spouses. At most, a normal president might give an ambassadorship to a donor.

fact check: The Washington Post


It is NOT NORMAL for an elected leader to pretend that foreign government interference with elections is no big deal. It is NOT NORMAL for a president-elect to mock or question the expertise of knowledgeable CIA security advisers. A normal president would consider this issue a grave concern and act accordingly to protect our sovereignty as a nation.

fact check: The New York Times


Good news

Because we need it.

Republicans of conscience are not blindly following DJT

Imagine more Democrat-leaning electoral votes and equal rights for ALL Americans

New progress on the Equal Pay Pledge

Anonymous gift of prayer rugs to Muslim students (get your tissues)

Acts of Kindness: This Facebook group will make your day <3


A word on petitions

Although online petitions serve a purpose, groups like MoveOn.org and Change.org lack clout. This and future weekly What To Do action checklists will include only petitions that come from well-respected organizations. Note: To avoid lots of follow-up emails after signing an online petition, be sure to click “unsubscribe” using the link in the follow-up confirmation email.



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Final action

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