What to Do This Week of April 9, 2017

by Apr 10, 2017Opinion, What To Do This Week0 comments

Action Checklist for Americans of Conscience

22 weeks down, 82 weeks to mid-term elections. Take a nice, deep breath. Ahhh.

The intention of this weekly document is to make clear, hype-free suggestions for action backed by well-considered research. Although diligently prepared, contents are subject to human error. Please do your own research.

Did someone send you here? Sign up to receive this weekly checklist.

Click if you have a question or action suggestion.


Act on your beliefs and values below.

I believe I can make a difference.

Create an activism plan.

Print out the Americans of Conscience Action Worksheet and make a plan. Or use this adorable pocket version by the amazing Kelly Wooten.


I believe in a government led by qualified, trustworthy representatives.

Action: Protest Jared Kushner’s dishonesty.

Call: the White House comment line at 202-456-1111.

Script: To receive a security clearance, Jared Kushner had a responsibility to report seven years of meetings with foreign officials. He lied by omission by not including recent meetings with a Russian bank owner and Russian ambassador. His security clearance should be revoked, and he should step down from his role in the White House. Americans will not tolerate dishonesty.

Bonus action: Call your MoCs using the same script (lookup).

Action: Push for an independent investigation of 45’s ties to Russia.

Call: Your two senators (lookup).

Script: Hi! I’m from _ZIP_ and would like to know what _NAME_ is doing to push for an independent investigation of the Russia scandal.

(If you get a non-answer:) The FBI’s plans to merge the investigation isn’t enough. We need an independent commission. When will _NAME_ co sign Senate bill 27?

Increase pressure: Follow instructions at Wall-of-Us to involve your local press.


I believe in my Constitutional right to free speech.

Action: Show up in person to a town hall meeting during the two-week recess.

Call: Your 3 MoCs (lookup).

Script: Hi! Can you please tell me the date of the town hall meeting closest to _TOWN_?

Guide for attending: Use this document from Indivisible with top 5 priorities. (Note: No matter how tempting, do not attend meetings of other MoCs.)


I believe in creating a healthy planet for future generations.

Action 101: Advocate for a healthy environment.

Visit: Audubon Action page

Choose: One of three actions to take this week.

Action 201: Choose one challenge to increase awareness of personal oil use.

Challenge 1: Go one additional day without driving.

Challenge 2: Go one day without using anything plastic.

Challenge 3: Go one week without ordering anything online that is shipped.


I believe in a vote for every American.

Action: Advocate for electing a president by national popular vote.

Visit: http://www.nationalpopularvote.com/

Complete: Enter ZIP in the grey box (right) to email your MoCs.


I believe in a woman’s right to safe, affordable medical care.

Action: Donate to a Planned Parenthood clinic in a rural area of your state.

Lookup: Use the search function to locate all clinics in your state.

Though it takes a little sleuthing, donations to rural areas make a big difference.


I believe my tax dollar should do good and help others.

Action: Oppose the border wall and increased military spending.

Call: Your 3 MoCs (lookup).

Script: Hi! I’m a constituent from _ZIP_. I’m calling because the proposed federal budget does not represent my values. I want my tax dollars to fund projects for the public good — like education, health care, a healthy environment, and public transportation. I want to be clear that I don’t want a dime of taxpayer money spent on Trump’s wall or increased military spending.


I believe in being a good citizen of the world.

Action: Support babies and moms in Syria’s Idlib refugee camp.

Visit: Parcel of Love http://hchearts.org/campaigns/Parcel-of-love/.


Deep breath innnnnnn… Deep breath ouuuuuuuut… Now comes the fun part!


Acts of Gratitude

Get out your stamps, postcards, and sparkle markers for some gratitude.

Thank Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) for his clarity, humor, and trolling tweets that make the point.

Address: 5055 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 310, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Thank Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) for his 15-hour filibuster to protest Gorsuch.

Address: 121 SW Salmon St., Ste. 1400, Portland, OR 97204

Thank Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) for his public reprimand of 45 for ignoring the Constitution and taking military action without Congressional approval.

Address: 1029 State Street, Bowling Green, KY 42101

Thank Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) for speaking out against our bombing of Syria.

Address: 300 Ala Moana Blvd., Rm. 5-104; Honolulu, HI 96850

Thank Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for defending constitutionally-protected free speech.

Address: 1355 Market Street. Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103


Recommended reading

Thought-provoking, in-depth reading that’s worth your time.

Please take good care of you. If we’re well-rested and energized, we (the majority) will win.


Not Normal

Avoid normalizing this presidency and #staywoke.


Good news

Because it was a craptastic week, I’ve got good news–oodles of it!–to buoy your spirit.


Final action

If you found this checklist useful, please spread the word!

Tweet: Get clear, no-hype actions to , plus 29 reasons to hope for the future: goo.gl/jPLCWR

Email and Facebook: This is so encouraging. Jen’s clear, no-hype actions to includes 29 reasons to hope for the future after a hard week. Check it out here: https://goo.gl/jPLCWR

Note: Because I’ll be on break next week, you’ll be getting a shorter checklist on Easter. Please keep taking good care of yourself and rest when you need to. We’re stronger together!

