Jenniffer González calls Puerto Rico Economic Development and Prosperity Caucus for its first meeting

by Sep 8, 2017Congress0 comments

Resident Commissioner Jenniffer González-Colón (R) convened members of the Puerto Rico Economic Development and Prosperity Caucus to discuss the effects of Hurricane Irma on Puerto Rico and to set the agenda.

For the first meeting of the bipartisan Caucus, Rep. José Serrano (D) and Rep. Sean Duffy (R) personally attended the meeting and Rep. Nydia Velázquez (D) and Rep. Tom MacArthur (R) were represented by staff.

The Caucus discussed the status of municipalities after Hurricane Irma, according to the information provided by the mayors themselves who spoke to the resident commissioner and to her District Office Staff in San Juan, the information from federal agencies and the information provided by the governor Ricardo Rosselló (D).

“I am very pleased to have been able to participate in the first meeting of the newly formed congressional caucus to promote the economic development of Puerto Rico. Today we had the opportunity to discuss efforts that have been taking place to help the island after Hurricane Irma, as well as other initiatives to help Puerto Rico in key areas such as economy, health and education. As a member of the Appropiations Committee, my goal is to contribute to a better quality of life for the people and to advance the caucus agenda by securing the funds that often make it so difficult to get to the island. I also hope that this Caucus serves as a mechanism for educating and informing members of Congress about the territories, the importance of them as part of this great Nation, and the need to give it the attention and help it needs. This is something that is not only fundamental, but also extremely relevant given the economic crisis in Puerto Rico. I am confident that the efforts of this Caucus will have very good results for all Puerto Ricans. ” said Congressman Serrano.

“From hurricane recovery to sustaining economic growth, Puerto Rico faces daunting challenges,” said Congressman Sean Duffy. “But I am proud to work with the Puerto Rico Economic Development and Prosperity Caucus and Governor Rosselló to ensure that 3.5 million American citizens on the Island have a brighter future.”

The Members set the agenda of the Caucus, which includes, health care, tax, economic development, and working to implement Congressional Task Force on Economic Growth in Puerto Rico recommendations and González-Colón’s bills, including the bill to enable the island to become an air cargo and passenger hub.

The Caucus also discussed building up the membership of the Caucus and educating fellow members of Congress and federal agencies on Puerto Rico issues.