What to expect in today’s Puerto Rico primaries
Today Puerto Ricans head to the polls for the Democratic, New Progressive and Popular Democratic party primaries, which will have significant local and national effects. Polls close at 3:00 pm, and while Puerto Rico has implemented electronic counting for the first time, this only applies to local races, not to the Democratic one. We will have a like Twitter panel using the #IslandPrimary hashtag, and report the results live on the Democratic presidential, NPP gubernatorial and resident commissioner and PDP resident commissioner races in our Election 2016 center. Here’s what to expect for each party.
Democratic Party
With no electronic counting, a document shortage of volunteers, and a general preponderant state of disorganization, expect issues with the presidential primary results. We are seeing reports on social media of certain voting locations with just one volunteer handling all voters, which is sure to delay the process. Results wise, we do expect a Hillary Clinton victory based on our polls, historical results and the demographics at play here, as we’ve previously discussed. Clinton absolutely dominated yesterday’s US Virgin Islands’ caucus, with 86.51% of the vote, and while she might not get such a large margin in Puerto Rico (Sanders barely contested the USVI), she is very likely to emerge as the winner.

The new electronic counting machines implement for the 2016 local primaries
New Progressive Party
Perhaps the most contested race today will be that of the NPP nomination for governor, between resident commissioner Pedro Pierluisi and activist Ricardo Rosselló (both national Democrats). Our latest poll points at a Rosselló victory, while others show a much tighter race. We think it is likely to be more contested than our poll shows, thought ultimately it depends on the turnout today. Hardcore party loyalists would favor Rosselló, while more independent minded voters would help Pierluisi. Since on this race we do have electronic counting, expect results much quicker. On the resident commissioner side, it is a pretty safe bet to have state representative and local GOP chairwoman Jenniffer Gonzalez to prevail over former NPP gubernatorial candidate Carlos Pesquera. We should know soon after polls close.
Popular Democratic Party
For populares the most watched race will be that of the resident commissioner primary, between Senator Angel Rosa and former party president Hector Ferrer. For that race our polling changed from April to May, but ended with Ferrer being the favorite. El Nuevo Dia had the same result, but by a much larger margin. If you are into betting, you will likely be safe with Ferrer winning the nomination.
Today both the NPP and PDP will also define their legislative slates and some mayoral ballots. PDP results should come quicker as they have a fewer amount of primaries.
Join us at 2:30 pm for the live results and our Twitter live panel by tweeting with #IslandPrimary.