What to do this week of December 2, 2018

by Dec 3, 2018Opinion, What To Do This Week0 comments

107 weeks down, 100 weeks to the presidential election.

The AoC Checklist features clear, well-researched actions for Americans who value democracy, equality, voting, and decency. We practice gratitude, self-care, and celebration to stay engaged.

I value democracy.

With respect and collaboration, we create a government for the people, by the people.

▢ Action 1: View our Spread the Light Holiday Checklist.

ClickView the wish list of our justice allies.

I value equality.

Stand with your rainbow of neighbors from every religion, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, age, and ability. Out of many, we are one.

▢ Action 1: Support your neighbors’ health.

Spread the word on social media: Enrollment for health insurance ends December 15. Sign up today!

 Action 2: Advocate with veterans waiting for GI benefits. [h/t]

Call: Or write your two senators and one House rep (look up).
Check: Go here and here to see if your MoC is a Veterans’ Affairs Committee member.
Script: I’m calling from [ZIP] because I’m disturbed that the Veterans Administration is not yet paying expanded benefits under the Forever GI bill that went effective in August. Veterans count on those housing and education payments and are struggling. I’d like [name] to make a public statement insisting we honor our commitments to veterans. [Committee: I’d also like [name] to make sure the Veterans’ Affairs Committee resolves this situation quickly.] Thank you.
BonusDonate to the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America’s Rapid Response Referral Program, which gives assistance to veterans in crisis because of the delayed GI bill payments.

 Action 3: Support giving your neighbors a clean slate. [h/th/t]

Call: Your two senators and one House rep (look up).
Script for House reps: Hi. I’m from [ZIP] and I’m calling to support removing barriers to future success for people convicted of minor crimes. The bipartisan Clean Slate Act (H.R. 6677) would automatically seal the official records for non-violent federal drug misdemeanors. Can I count on [name] to co-sponsor and support it?
Script for senators: Hi. I’m from [ZIP] and I’m calling to support removing barriers to future success for people convicted of minor crimes. The Clean Slate Act that’s been introduced in the House would automatically seal the official records for non-violent federal drug misdemeanors. Can I count on [name] to introduce a Senate version?

▢ Action 4: Advocate for veterans experiencing homelessness. [h/t]

Contact: Your local mayor (look up).
CheckWhether they’ve joined the Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness.
Script: Hi. I’m a constituent who is concerned about the high number of homeless veterans in our community. I’m asking [name] to join the Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness in order to access resources and make this important effort a priority. Thank you. Name, address

 Action 5: Support incarcerated trans people. [h/t]

Compared to the straight cisgender population, LGBTQ+ people face increased criminalization and, once imprisoned, experience greater abuse.
Donate: Support LGBT Books to Prisoners with a purchase or financial contribution.

I value secure, convenient voting and fair elections.

Democracy thrives when all citizens can freely elect those who represent their values.

▢ Action 1: Express your support for fair voting.

Call: Or write your one House rep (look up).
Script: Hi. I’m calling from [ZIP] and am excited to hear that the House plans to bolster voting rights next year. We need a bipartisan effort that ensures every American can vote and that no one is left out. I trust this will be [name’s] priority in 2019 as well, correct? Thank you.

I value showing hospitality to all people, no matter where they were born.

People who immigrate are fellow human beings whom we treat with respect and decency. We oppose inhumane treatment and vilification of people who immigrate and the government bodies that perpetuate it.

▢ Action 1: Support humane treatment of asylum seekers. [h/t]

Call: Your one House rep and two senators (look up).
Script: Hi. I’m from [ZIP] and I’m calling to oppose the use of excessive force at our border. Tear-gassing people is a violation of international law. These families are only exercising their legal right to apply for asylum. What is [name] doing to stop this practice immediately and instead offer refuge?
Bonus: Read this excellent article with additional ideas to support asylum seekers.

▢ Action 2: Support congressional oversight of ICE spending by December 7th. [h/th/t]

Call: Your one House rep and two senators (look up).
Script: Hi. I’m from [ZIP]. I’m calling because the budget for ICE detention and enforcement has jumped by nearly a billion dollars in two years. DHS should not be allowed to funnel money from its other departments and circumvent congressional approval to cover ICE’s budget overruns. When the current budget resolution expires on December 7, I would like [name] to support a clean, short-term continuing resolution without extra enforcement funds so the next Congress may debate the appropriate budget and oversight for DHS.

Deep breath innnnnnn… Deep breath ouuuuuuuut… Here comes the good stuff.

Acts of Gratitude

Get out your stamps, postcards, and sparkle markers for some gratitude mail.

Thank Julia Roberts for amplifying Choose Love, a store that educates people about the global refugee crisis and sending refugees the things they need. [Share why refugee rights and needs are important to you.]
Address: c/o Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067

Thank Dr. Christopher Lehman for illuminating the history of African-American women in academia and recognizing Ruby Cora Webster, St, Cloud State University’s first black graduate. [Share why honoring historically underrepresented people matters to you and those you love.]Address: Ethnic and Women’s Studies, Ruby Cora Webster Hall 205, 720 4th Avenue South, St. Cloud, MN 56301-4498

Thank the American Bar Association’s ABA Journal for boosting awareness of human rights and immigration law by adding RAICES on their list of best legal Twitter accounts. [Let the ABA know why immigration law is important to you.]Address: 321 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60654

Thank Gianfranco De Girolamo, former Department of Justice attorney, for resigning in protest of the administration’s attack on immigration judges. [Share why you believe in due process and judicial independence in light of inflammatory immigration rhetoric.]Address: c/o Los Angeles Times, 2300 E. Imperial Highway, El Segundo, CA 90245

Thank Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) for opposing Thomas Farr’s appointment and supporting fair, unbiased candidates for our federal courts. [Share why putting principles over party matters to you.]Address: 1301 Gervais Street, Suite 825, Columbia, SC 29201

Good news

Decent people everywhere are speaking up and working together. Just look. #GoodNews


  • Ruling: A neo-Nazi publication has no first amendment right to harass private citizens.
  • SCOTUS ruling: OR plaintiffs can sue the federal government over its climate change policies.
  • Ruling: Policy blocked to keep lawful immigrants from enlisting in the military.
  • Ruling: The administration’s attempt to ban asylum claims blocked.
  • Administration backed away from plans to deport pre-1995 immigrants from Vietnam.
  • Chief Justice John Roberts affirmed the independence of the U.S. judiciary.
  • Politicians are prioritizing the housing crisis and shelter for the most vulnerable.
  • There’s a rainbow wave of openly gay or transgender state legislators.
  • Stacey Abrams allies filed a lawsuit calling for reforms in Georgia’s election procedures.


News with heart

Spread the word

Know someone who could use some good news and clear actions? Please share!

Post a tweet: If you’re concerned about how the current administration is treating people at our border, open this week’s @AoCChecklist and use our scripts to speak up for decency. #UseYourVoice https://americansofconscience.com/12-2-2018/

Post on Facebook: If you’re concerned about how the current administration is treating families and children at our border, open this week’s Americans of Conscience Checklist and use our scripts to speak up for basic decency. #UseYourVoice https://americansofconscience.com/12-2-2018/

Print: The Americans of Conscience Checklist flier and share at in-person events.


  • Sign up: Get the weekly Americans of Conscience Checklist here.
  • Share: Follow us and share the Checklist on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Merch: Spread the word with our stickers, magnets, and more.
  • Gratitude: Big thanks to JEB and the Production Team, our Social Media volunteers, Research Sous Chefs, and Team Captains. Thanks also to the amazing angel patrons whose support makes it all possible.

Note: The AoC Checklist is always ad-free and no-cost. If you’re able, please support Jen and this full-time effort on patreon or paypal.