Introducing Qué Invento, our new patent, technology and innovation blog

by Sep 6, 2016Qué Invento0 comments

Today is a very exciting day for Pasquines. We are proud to introduce Qué Invento, a new blog focusing on patents, technology and innovation, in Puerto Rico and nationally. Named after the Puerto Rico slang for when someone has a new idea or invention, this new space will offer a new perspective on the territory.

As the economic crisis ravages the US territory, we would like to cover an area that has been overlooked, in the hopes of encouraging development of new technologies, that could aid in the economic revitalization of Puerto Rico.

We will focus on providing information of technological and scientific progress, with updates on patent applications, new device development, and policy updates that could affect entrepreneurs and companies developing new technologies. This will be the first publication of its kind focusing on Puerto Rico, and we hope to serve as a catalyst for innovation, attracting talent, thinkers and builders to the territory.

In addition, the blog will serve as a writing, research and training ground for science and technology focused writers who wish to gain experience in the fields of intellectual property, policy and regulations, through our internship program.

Stay tuned as we begin publishing on this new, exciting and pioneering space.