What to do this week of September 3, 2017

by Sep 4, 2017Opinion, What To Do This Week0 comments

Action Checklist for Americans of Conscience

By Jen Hofmann

Week of September 3, 2017

43 weeks down, 61 weeks to mid-term elections.

The intention of this weekly document is to make clear, hype-free suggestions for action backed by well-considered research for Americans who care about democracy and justice. Urgent actions are highlighted in yellow.

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I believe that America benefits when immigrants have a clear path to citizenship

Action: Advocate passionately to keep DACA youth here in the US, their home.

Call: Your 3 MoCs today (lookup).

Script: Hi. I am from [ZIP] calling to ask [name] to support the bipartisan Dream Act that gives permanent legal status to DACA recipients. Is [name] committed to supporting S. 1615 (Senate) / H.R. 3440 (House)? Will s/he co-sponsor it?

Bonus: If you’re in AL, AR, ID, KS, LA, NE, SC, TX, or WV, call your attorney general using this script.


I believe in a government led by people of integrity

Action: Oppose efforts to ram through lifetime judgeships to biased nominees.

Call: 202-224-3121 and ask to speak to Sens Grassley, then Feinstein this week.

Script: I am calling [name] in his/her role on the Senate Judiciary Committee to oppose conducting a single hearing for Barrett, Larsen, and Drieband for lifetime appointments. I am advocating for a thorough review of each nominee. Can you assure me [name] will uphold their responsibility to properly vet these candidates?

Bonus: Call as many other SJC members as you can.


Action: Demand that ICE be accountable for their actions.

Write: The Honorable Elaine C. Duke, Secretary of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C. 20528

Script: According to reports, my tax dollar is funding abuse, harassment, and malnourishment of immigrants and asylum seekers by ICE officers and detention centers. Further, ICE is also destroying records that could hold them accountable for inhumane actions. Immigrants, law-abiding or not, must be treated with basic human decency. Please initiate an effort to reign in this cruel treatment and unchecked power. America is better than this.

Bonus: Send a copy of this note to your 3 MoCs.

I believe in quality, affordable healthcare for all Americans

Action: Counter the president’s efforts to decrease ACA enrollment.

The president has cut ACA’s advertising budget by 90%, but Americans need care. So let’s top 2017 enrollment of 11.4M through the power of social media. Ready?

Twitter: Visit this link and retweet.

Facebook: Visit this link and share the pinned post.

Bonus: Share the countdown to enrollment weekly through 12/15.


I believe in creating a healthy planet for future generations

Action: Advocate for funding NOAA marine debris removal (hat tip).

Call: Your one House rep (lookup or leave message).

Script: “Hi, I’m [name] from [ZIP]. I support efforts to reduce marine debris and was happy to see that the Senate passed the SOS Act of 2017. Now that it has moved to the House, I’d like to know if [name] plans to support this bill.


I believe free, safe, and open voting is fundamental to a thriving democracy

Action: Advocate for weekend voting to make it accessible to working people.

Call: Your one House rep (lookup or leave message).

Script: Hi. I’m calling to express my enthusiasm for weekend voting. It increases participation, allows working people to access the polls more easily, and reflects 21st century needs. I would like [name] to support H.R. 1094, the Weekend Voting Act. Can you tell me if s/he will cosponsor this legislation? (Hat tip: Joe Katz)

Deep breath innnnnnn… Deep breath ouuuuuuuut… Here comes the fun part.


Acts of Gratitude

Get out your stamps, postcards, and sparkle markers for some gratitude mail.

Thank Governor Bruce Rauner for committing Illinois to being a sanctuary state. Immigrants deserve to be treated humanely and to live free from fear. Thank you for your leadership and advocacy.

Address: James R. Thompson Center, 100 W. Randolph, 16-100, Chicago, IL 60601


Thank Mayor Sylvester Turner for offering to personally represent for free any immigrants facing deportation after seeking help during Hurricane Harvey.

Address: ℅ City of Houston, P.O. Box 1562, Houston, TX 77251


Thank Herbert Slatery, TN Attorney General for abandoning a lawsuit to sunset the DACA program. I appreciate that you see the real lives behind the labels and want to see young immigrants protected, rather than deported. Thank you for your leadership.

Address: Office of the Attorney General and Reporter, P.O. Box 20207

Nashville, TN 37202-0207


Thank Luis Videgaray Caso, Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Relations for offering assistance to Harvey victims. Americans everywhere appreciate your commitment to kindness and generosity in difficult times. Thank you for building bridges, neighbor.

Address: Plaza Juárez 20, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Col. Centro, Ciudad de México. C.P. 06010 (Use $1.15 in postage.)


Recommended Reading

How Russian bots and trolls are sowing the seeds of chaos in the US.

See what Russian bots and trolls are doing in real time: (Securing Democracy)

Class in America: Too poor to flee the hurricane (BBC)..


Good news


Final action

If you found this checklist useful, please spread the word!

Twitter: Good news and powerful things you can do to make a difference this week: goo.gl/BofhBo

Email and Facebook: Good news and powerful things you can do to make a difference this week: https://goo.gl/BofhBo



Curious about what goes into creating this checklist each week? Read about it here.