In this week’s article, we are featuring Ted Cruz’s political ad, which was released in the beginning of 2016. Just the name of the video suggests that this video is not really aimed to show Ted Cruz, but rather to demonize Hillary Clinton.

The video shows Hillary Clinton, accompanied by two Secret Service agents, destroying a computer tower with fists and baseball bats. Additionally, there is a rap song playing in the background, serving the same purpose as the rest of the video. Here is the first quarter of the song on the background:

Damn it feels good to be a Clinton.
A shameless politician plays her cards right.
Got a crew for the fights on the airwaves.
Lap dogs in the press keep their mouths tight.

As one would expect, the computer is a reference to the email controversy that surrounded Clinton lately. Ted Cruz wanted to make sure that everyone got the message by writing ‘Clinton Mail’ on the upper side of the computer, which is shown in the end.

The ad was released on February 12, 2016. It was added to Ted Cruz’s official YouTube channel. The video received close to 1.5 million views and got more likes than dislikes. According to many sources, the video got its inspiration from the 1999 movie Office Space.