Book of the week: The Conservatarian Manifesto

by Jul 28, 2016Book of the Week0 comments

Coming from someone who has always been on the fence with politics and unable to truly identify a name to categorize my platform, this book was a breath of fresh air. It was joy to read an author that doesn’t just choose right or left and insinuate the other is completely incorrect or even idiotic.

To summarize The Conservatarian Manifesto: Libertarians, Conservatives, and the Fight for the Right’s Future, a short and easy read, the author is establishing a new wave of right wing politics that takes on a rejuvenated view of being a conservative, all while holding to the same constitutional values.

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Where the author earns my respect, is with his  diplomatic approach of the parties. Cooke takes a realistic approach and explains both sides in a mature and easy to read way. Whether you completely disagree with me or him, this read is a sure fire way to challenge your views in a healthy way and help your argument become even more well-rounded by how well he explain all aspects of this “conservatarian” platform. Cooke uses a healthy amount of history that is credible and adds in a subtle sense of humor that escalates it from being another potentially dry political science novel so something you truly don’t mind reading… or in my case thoroughly enjoy.