Book of the week: Killing Kennedy

by Aug 24, 2016Book of the Week0 comments

Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot, is a collaborative non-fiction book written by the host of Fox Network’s the Factor Bill O’Reilly and author Martin Dugard.  Killing Kennedy is a riveting recollection of John F. Kennedy’s life and his tragic death.  The novel dives into the lives of various characters, who all merge together on one tragic day: November 22, 1963.  O’Reilly and Dugard perfectly highlight the class displayed in Kennedy’s public persona, while drawing on Kennedy secrets unbeknownst to the American people.  While Kennedy is the eponymous character of the novel, O’Reilly and Dugard also explains Lee Harvey Oswald’s life, the man accused of killing JFK, from his defection to the U.S.S.R to his death at the hands of Jack Ruby at a police station.  

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In discussing Oswald, the authors bring into question whether Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone sniper and even if he was framed.  The two authors present other plausible theories to how Kennedy was actually killed and presents compelling evidence to back these theories.  This novel changes the way you see the world.  It floods your mind with countless possibilities and questions of what if.   This novel is a must read and luckily belongs to Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard’s Killing Series, which includes other great novels such as Killing Reagan, Killing Lincoln, and Killing Patton.  I highly suggest Killing Kennedy and suggest the other five books from the Killing Series.